Google Wants YouTube Music to Be the “ultimate Destination” for Podcasts

What you need to know

  • After finally shutting down Google Podcasts, Google gave an interview with YouTube’s chief product officer to talk about the future of podcasts on YouTube Music.
  • YouTube Music aims to become the “ultimate destination” for podcasts, both for creators and listeners.
  • Unfortunately, the interview didn’t contain much that addressed podcast users’ concerns about YouTube Music, such as the lack of core features like new episode notifications.

Whether we like it or not, YouTube Music is the future of podcast hosting on Google. Since the company permanently shut down Google Podcasts earlier this month, Google’s future focus is on YouTube Music. In an interview published by YouTube, Johanna Voolich, the platform’s chief product officer, explained the plan to “make YouTube Music the ultimate destination for podcasters and fans alike.”

Although podcasts are an audio-first medium, YouTube wants to focus on what it does best: video. YouTube says it has made changes to the YouTube Music app to better support audio-centric content, but adds that videos can add additional value to a podcast. “The second way we think about podcasts is [as an] “Eyes-optional experience,” Voolich said. “So there are things that are great to listen to and listen to, but also great to look at.”

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