Is AI the Future of HR and What Does it Mean for Your Company? - Latest Global News

Is AI the Future of HR and What Does it Mean for Your Company?

Artificial intelligence (AI), or self-learning technology, conjures up images of a dystopian science fiction novel or the next Hollywood blockbuster.

But the bots have actually arrived and are already playing an important role in saving companies around the world time and money.

While bots are used in several industries, including automotive and manufacturing, their possibilities are endless in all commercial industries, including human resources.

When used correctly, AI in HR can significantly reduce the time spent sifting through thousands of resumes, improve the candidate experience, reduce bias in the hiring process, and free up HR professionals.

Here’s what we cover:

Artificial or augmented intelligence?

When you talk about artificial intelligence, you actually mean augmented intelligence.

The former is the replacement of humans with computer systems; The latter uses technologies that are intended to support people and not replace them.

We can’t take people out of HR so quickly.

The role of AI in HR is to help people make better and faster decisions in line with business strategy, not to completely replace them.

As with automation, augmented intelligence can free up HR professionals to focus on the more important task of working with recruits and achieving the company’s business goals.

Using AI in HR for resume screening

Finding strong candidates from a huge talent pool is one of the biggest challenges for talent managers.

If you assume that on average there are 250 applications for each job posting in a company and the goal is to fill eight to twelve positions each month, it becomes clear that HR professionals spend a disproportionate amount of their work preparing resumes to view.

An example of AI in human resources would be using algorithms to search resumes for keywords and other factors that match those of successful previous hires to create a shortlist of candidates.

Recruiters take an average of six seconds to review a resume. They don’t necessarily take the time to think about the person behind it.

AI programs never tire of missing important indicators that someone might be suitable for the job.

In fact, the more resumes AI screens, the better it is at finding the best candidates.

Optimize candidate experiences

Chatbots are already being used in the grocery and retail industries to help people order, ask questions, and file complaints.

There’s no reason why the same technology can’t be used to schedule interviews and answer frequently asked questions from candidates.

Take it a step further and the chatbots of the future could even help with the onboarding process.

Research shows that 44% of employees who do not receive a response from their employer when applying for a job say they have a lower opinion of that employer.

They’re likely to tell friends and family and post their complaints on social media, potentially negatively impacting a company’s reputation and affecting their ability to attract talent.

An app downloaded to the new employee’s cell phone could guide them around the building, communicate company policies and answer frequently asked questions.

Elimination of hiring biases

AI in HR can also help eliminate bias in the workplace because the algorithms used do not take into account race, color, gender and social demographics and do not care at all about what school a candidate graduated from.

You are looking for qualities and qualifications that are proven to lead to the best results for this position.

However, it is imperative that AI algorithms are programmed with long-term ethics in mind and are regularly reviewed, tested and optimized.

More importantly, hiring decisions should be made by a person with algorithms, not just an algorithm.

The future of AI in HR

These bots are not about replacing humans, but rather making it easier for them to get the most out of technology and deliver better results for the business.

When implemented responsibly, AI can be used to automate HR’s more tedious tasks, thereby speeding up the recruiting process. This allows companies to make better staffing decisions and be more competitive in the race to attract top talent.

As a result, the world of HR as we know it will completely change.

Editor’s Note: This article was first published in October 2020 and has been updated for relevance.

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