Diseases Caused by Obesity | Obesity, Symptoms | Medintu - Latest Global News

Diseases Caused by Obesity | Obesity, Symptoms | Medintu

Obesity is the new global pandemic, or rather, an old one that only came to light after COVID-19 shook up health and disease as more and more people began to struggle with obesity due to passive isolation in the comfort of our homes during the lockdown .

When you take a superficial look at what obesity could mean, what comes to mind is an understanding of being well above your desired weight. However, this is more than just morbid obesity. Obesity is a condition that provides a breeding ground for the growth and spread of numerous other diseases. Let’s take a closer look at this condition.

What is Obesity?

Obesity, in medical terms, is a condition of excessive fat accumulation in the body, which is harmful to health. Typically, a body mass index of more than 30 is considered obese. Obesity is a complex disease that impacts all areas of health, from cardiovascular health to fertility. For Indians, obesity and its negative effects like diabetes start at an even lower BMI range due to our genetic makeup. Obesity is often a result of a poor lifestyle.

What causes obesity?

Obesity can arise as a result of a range of diseases based on a range of social, psychological, economic, genetic and cultural factors.
1. Low physical activity due to sedentary activities, the choice of television, mobile phones, mobile phones and games for entertainment, and a general increase in screen time can lead to fewer calories burned than consumed, leading to obesity.
2. A diet high in fat, sugar, and other processed ingredients, such as fast food, packaged foods, and sweets, also leads to excessive calorie intake.
3. Poor sleep quality can affect the hunger hormone ghrelin, leading to increased cravings for food and an inability to recognize satiety.
4. High levels of the hormone cortisol, which the body produces due to increased stress, can also lead to an increase in the desire to eat as well as the body’s tendency to store fat.
5. Metabolic syndrome, PCOS and hypothyroidism-like conditions can also lead to weight gain in the affected person.
6. Genetics also play a large role in rising obesity rates. People with a family history of obesity are at a much higher risk of becoming obese.
7. Excessive use of medications such as antidepressants, birth control pills, antipsychotics, steroids and beta blockers for high blood pressure can cause obesity and weight gain as a side effect.
8. The environment around us can also influence weight gain and obesity, as people who live in open areas with sidewalks and parks are less likely to gain weight than people who live in areas where there is no dedicated space for walking and in which there are fast food centers.

Why does obesity cause other diseases?

Obesity is a state of overnutrition, and most of the body can also cause excessive stress on the body physically due to increased fat mass. Too much cholesterol and sugar in the blood of an overweight person often overwhelms the metabolic and functional ability of all body organs. The buildup of excess cholesterol in the arteries can clog important vessels and lead to cardiovascular accidents. Excess fat can disrupt hormonal balance and lead to diseases such as PCOS, insulin resistance and even diabetes. Excess glucose can lead to the formation of glycated proteins. These are proteins that are loaded with excess glucose and can cause organ damage or impair organ function. Overall, obesity places a large metabolic burden on the body, resulting in a variety of metabolites that can harm the body and even promote the growth of cancer.

What diseases can be caused by obesity?

Obesity can cause a variety of diseases and can also increase the effects of pre-existing diseases. Some of the diseases that are closely related to obesity are the following:
1. Insulin resistance And Type 2 diabetes.
2. Faster insertion arthrosis the knee.
3. Gallstones and gallstone-related diseases such as cholecystitis.
4. Sleep apnea due to increased fat deposition in the neck area.
5. high blood pressure due to the increased body surface area.
6. Coronary heart disease due to fat accumulation in the vessels.
7. Increased incidence of strokes and venous thrombosis.
8th. Disturbed lipid profile leads to an increase in the bad cholesterol LDL and triacylglycerides and a lower level of HDL, the good cholesterol.
9. Increased risk of a number of cancers such as breast cancer, stomach cancer, gallbladder cancer, esophageal cancer, ovarian cancer and liver cancer.
10. Poor quality of life due to increased strain during normal activities and constant body pain.
11. The increased incidence of mental illness It is also common in obese people.

How is obesity treated?

Obesity is an uphill battle for the world and the people affected by it, but with small steps in the right direction we can hope to eliminate it in the coming future. Below are some of the treatment strategies used to treat obesity today:
1. Dietary changes in the form of reducing calorie intake, consuming larger amounts of vegetables, proteins and fruits to increase satiety, and reducing the intake of sweet and packaged foods can facilitate the transition to healthy eating habits that not only lead to weight loss, but also Weight maintenance also leads to weight loss.
2. Start by doing at least 150 minutes of exercise every week and increase this to, for example, 45 minutes of exercise every 5 days per week to build strength and endurance.
3. Try to take as many steps as possible throughout the day, even while engaging in daily activity, to burn calories through non-exercise thermogenesis.
4. Seek counseling to overcome any underlying emotional issues, such as an eating disorder or faulty coping mechanism, so that you don’t fall into the same patterns.
5. Become part of a weight loss support group to know that you are not alone in this journey and that you have other people to motivate you on days when you are not.
6. Sometimes doctors prescribe weight loss medications such as orlistat, liraglutide, semaglutide, penteramine topiramate, and bupropion, all of which provide weight loss through different mechanisms.
7. For patients who are morbidly obese but motivated, Operations can be done to lose weight. Weight loss surgeries are called bariatric surgery and include the following types:
A. Gastric bypass surgery or a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass The stomach and intestines are cut open and placed in such a way that the majority of the food consumed goes directly into the intestines.
b.Sleeve gastrectomy, in which part of the stomach is removed to create a smaller pouch for food so that one can feel more full with a smaller amount of food.
c. Gastric banding, in which a band is placed around the stomach and tightened like a belt to create a narrow path between the two parts. It is a permanent method of reducing stomach capacity.
d. There are also new endoscopic weight loss procedures, such as endoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, in which stitches are placed in the stomach to shrink the stomach cavity and reduce food capacity. To increase the feeling of fullness, a balloon called an intragastric balloon can also be inflated and inserted into the stomach cavity. Intragastric balloons can remain in place for 6 months.
8. Other treatments include hydrogels, which are edible capsules in which tiny capsules absorb water and swell. Vagus nerve blocking involves implanting a vagus nerve blocking device under the skin to tell the brain when the stomach feels full. Sometimes a tube is inserted into the stomach and the stomach contents are removed.

Final thoughts:

Obesity is a disease that is both physical and mental. Overcoming obesity is a real challenge that requires taking action to lose not only body fat but also the lifestyle that led to it. Of course, for some people obesity is genetic and not due to their lifestyle habits. However, everyone can benefit from weight control and must show the same motivation to take back their life. Freedom of movement, better energy levels, a stronger body and a healthy body image can be life-changing. If you need this, you should not hesitate to seek professional medical help. You can understand the process of losing weight and also do it safely.

We should be wary of fad diets and diet pills as they may initially cause weight loss but in the long run they can be harmful to the body. Taking a sustainable approach to weight loss while promoting overall health can help change your body at a pace that is acceptable to it and make it permanent. Focus on your why and get on the path to your health.

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