Young South Koreans Are Increasingly Drawn to Buddhism Through Social Media-savvy Influencers - Latest Global News

Young South Koreans Are Increasingly Drawn to Buddhism Through Social Media-savvy Influencers

SEOUL (AP) — A South Korean DJ dressed as a Buddhist monk jumped up and down on stage, playing electronic music and shouting, “This too shall pass!” The performance drew cheers from thousands over the weekend at an annual lantern festival celebrating Buddha’s birthday People from.

Religious belief in South Korea has been declining for years. According to a study, only 22% of South Koreans in their 20s reported being religious in 2021, compared to 45% in 2004 Gallup poll. But that may be changing as social media increases young people’s interest in Buddhism.

Festival DJ Youn Sung Ho is a major contributor to this trend. Youn, who is also a comedian, said he has received a lot of support from the younger generation, particularly Millennials and Generation Z, for his Buddhist monk alter ego, which he calls NewJeansNim.

Youn said he created the persona last year while DJing at the lantern lighting ceremony. “I wasn’t a NewJeansNim back then. I was comedian Youn Sung Ho. It was just my authentic self.”

But he wore a hanbok, the traditional Korean clothing that resembles a monk’s robe, and said video of his performance had garnered millions of views on social media. “That’s when I thought, ‘Oh, I need to create a character quickly,'” he said.

He carefully constructed his alter ego, seeking support from Buddhist leaders in South Korea to balance popular culture with authentic Buddhist teachings.

NewJeansNim is a hybrid nickname of Sunim, a Korean title for Buddhist monks, and NewJean, a Dharma name given to him by a senior monk, Youn said.

Youn’s personality as a DJ monk has brought many young South Korean adults to Buddhism, including Kwon Dohyun, a university student who attended the Lantern Festival with two friends and was looking forward to NewJeansNim’s performance.

“Isn’t the hairstyle really hip?” Kwon told The Associated Press, adding that his interest in Buddhism also stemmed from the faith’s perceived inclusivity and openness.

Youn’s popularity, particularly among young adults, was evident at the weekend’s performance, as they cheered as he sang lyrics from his latest song: “Suffering because your paycheck ain’t gone up… My stocks are down; Monday can’t come soon enough.

Youn believes his attempts to break traditional molds have resonated with young South Koreans. “It was so new and exciting to people that someone was making electronic music and making people jump in this serious, solemn religion of Buddhism,” he said.

Youn said most people associate Buddhism with quiet temples in the mountains, wind chimes, chanting, quiet meditation and quiet sitting.

“People think this is Buddhism, but what I’m doing now is the opposite,” he said.

Another Buddhist who has gained young followers on social media is Venerable Beomjeong, also known as Kkotsnim, which means “flower monk” in Korean. He is active on Instagram, where he communicates with Buddhists and non-believers alike.

Beomjeong often uploads photos of himself with captions about Buddhist teachings and his thoughts.

“People think that monks are supposed to be noble, that they are supposed to be in the mountains, that they are supposed to be purer than everyone else,” he said, adding that he hopes to spread such ideas about monks and Buddhism in Korean society to dispel social media.

He said he receives many messages asking him basic questions about Buddhism, such as: Are monks not allowed to eat meat? Are monks allowed to marry? He was also asked, “Will you marry me?”

His goal is for his answers to be straightforward but carefully formulated.

“I tell it like it is. I don’t want to be too mystical or conservative, but I think I speak on behalf of the precepts and many monks in the Jogye order, not just for myself,” he said.

Beomjeong and NewJeansNim both say their efforts to attract younger generations to Buddhism have left them vulnerable to criticism.

“Korean Buddhist monks had the idea: ‘How dare he flaunt his looks and Instagram as someone who has become monastic,'” Beomjeong said.

“There’s feedback like, ‘Oh, you’re a fallen monk and you’re denigrating Buddhism,'” Youn said.

But Youn said such criticism comes from people who resist change and that “young MZs (Millennials and Gen Z) who want and like new things are so open and love them.”

Beomjeong said he was happy to be considered as an influencer when it comes to sharing messages about Buddhism with the public.

“I don’t know what it means to be an influencer, but if I can get a lot of people to see and hear what I say, I want to be an influencer,” Beomjeong said. “It would be very good for me to spread the Dharma and help many people to break down some prejudices against Buddhism through me.” Then I think I have done my job.”

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