Watch Brain Geniuses Get Arrested for Refusing to Answer the Question “Are You a Citizen?” at the US Border - Latest Global News

Watch Brain Geniuses Get Arrested for Refusing to Answer the Question “Are You a Citizen?” at the US Border

The US Border Patrol has broad powers to arrest and detain people within 100 miles of the border (or, you know, the…). entire state of Michigan.) They’re the last cops you’d want to mess with, but that didn’t stop two brilliant minds from trying legal magic to avoid a simple question; Are you a citizen?

Luckily, the goofballs recorded the entire interaction for our delight and enjoyment. While these guys don’t say anything Sovereign citizen Despite their rhetoric, they lack both an understanding of US law and common sense. It sounds like they’re one beat away from saying they’re “traveling” not driving.

How much do you want to bet that these two complain about open borders and “illegal” elections?

My favorite part is when the fiery passenger claims to know both his Fifth Amendment and Sixth Amendment rights. I’m not sure what role his right to a speedy and public criminal trial plays in this scenario, but it makes him sound more shady, not less. Additionally, the Fifth Amendment protects Americans from making self-incriminating statements and from answering any questions ever asked by the government. Still, it’s nice to see the First Amendment getting a break from being misinterpreted by the crowd that wears ugly sunglasses while trucking.

The moment he calls the policewoman a “bitch” amid much pointing and yelling, it’s time for the “figure it out” moment to respond to her “messing around.” The scene ends badly, as you can imagine: both men are dragged out of the truck and the officers stand ready with stun guns.

Both men insist they don’t have to answer any questions from federal law enforcement, but guys, that’s just not true. Accordingly, customs and border protection officers can make arrests anywhere within 100 miles of the US border without a warrant US Supreme Court. You don’t even have to be in your car, they can come to your house and get you out.

And boy, does CBP like arresting people. In a 2021 report on CBP activities in Michigan, where the government claims 100 percent jurisdiction over the entire damn state, found that only 1.3 percent of arrests involved people suspected of crossing the border illegally. A whopping 98 percent were long-time Michigan residents with brown skin who might have looked strangely at the patrol cars, leading to an arrest. The border patrol is also in action Business to hack your data from your car And Scan every inch of your vehicle. Don’t engage!

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