Detective Pikachu Was a Small but Powerful Shock to Pokémon - Latest Global News

Detective Pikachu Was a Small but Powerful Shock to Pokémon

Nintendo’s Pokémon The series has had a firm grip on pop culture for decades, and that’s unlikely to change any time soon. Most of this power comes from Video and trading card games, along with the eternal ongoing anime and the resulting films and series. So how do you make one of the biggest video game properties even bigger? They take the big, bold leap to Hollywood.

First released in Japan on May 3, 2019 and then in the US the following week. Detective Pikachu was the first ever live action Pokémon Film and since then also Nintendo’s first video game film Super Mario Bros. If anyone has ever thought about it Pokémon If they were going to get a big-budget movie, they probably wouldn’t have thought it would come courtesy of Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures, let alone be based on a 2016 spin-off game starring the brand’s mascot Pikachu is a private detective with the voice of Ryan Reynolds. Yes, the monsters all looked impressively real and tangible, just like the fans did always dreamed, but Deadpool as the protagonist could have undermined everything. Would that work?

Picture: Warner Bros./Legendary Pictures/The Pokémon Company

The answer was “yes”: Detective Pikachu received fairly positive reviews and earned $450.1 million worldwide. At the time, it was the highest-grossing video game film of its time, at least up to that point Super Mario Movie knocked it off its pedestal last year. If the world hadn’t been hit by the pandemic and Hollywood strikes so far in the 2020s, we’d probably have a sequel by now; Portlandia co-creator Jonathan Krisel He was tapped to direct last year, working from a script by Chris Galetta, but it appears to be at least two years in the future. (Comes out as Avengers: Endgame probably wasn’t a good move either.) As it is, it’s a well-respected film that made a good impression in the video game film world and whose future was buried by some bad luck.

At the same time, it seems to have had a decent effect Pokémons Transmedia edition. The Anime was always going to stick around whether it did well or not, but the film’s success certainly helped open Nintendo’s minds to the possibilities this franchise could offer. Without them we probably wouldn’t have done it Pokémon caretaker or the original drama series Pocket ni Bōken where Tsumekonde, This is about the reach and impact of Pokémon rather than being located in his world. And that’s exactly what we know – in a Pokémon Direct or two we might learn that Nintendo has plans to create a cinematic universe along the lines of what Paramount is doing with it Sonic the Hedgehog.

Image accompanying the article titled

Picture: Warner Bros./Legendary Pictures/The Pokémon Company

Compared to other video game adaptations like Stand out And The last of us, or Arcane, It wouldn’t be wrong to feel that way Detective Pikachu has been overlooked. Time in the sun will surely come once the sequel comes out. It’s like the anime in this regard: whatever comes next will hopefully be an evolution that builds on the successful formula of its predecessor. And if not, at least we have a video of it Pikachu dances to brighten the day.

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