Collaboration is Key to Improving Adherence to Physical Activity Guidelines - Latest Global News

Collaboration is Key to Improving Adherence to Physical Activity Guidelines

We all know that physical activity is important for our health, but getting people to actually get enough exercise to meet recommended guidelines can be challenging. In 2022, only 22% of Australians met physical activity recommendations, which call for adults to do 2.5 to 5 hours of moderate-intensity physical activity or 1.25 to 2.5 hours of vigorous physical activity and two muscle-strengthening sessions each week Week.

For those under 18, it’s 60 minutes a day, and if you’re over 64, add some balance and flexibility exercises. This is where hospital and healthcare professionals, including exercise physiologists, can intervene and collaborate to help improve health outcomes.

Exercise physiologists are medical professionals who specialize in using exercise as a form of medicine to help patients achieve their health goals. They tailor training plans to each individual’s needs, focusing on safety and effectiveness. More importantly, they use behavior modification strategies to help patients implement their exercise plans.

Have you ever prescribed a treatment only to discover later that the patient did not follow through with the treatment? This is where behavior modification techniques come into play. Exercise physiologists use motivational interviewing and other strategies to get patients to engage in physical activity.

By working together, health professionals and exercise physiologists can develop a more comprehensive approach to patient care. For example, during a referral, exercise physiologists can delve deeply into a patient’s motivations, beliefs, and concerns about exercise, helping them develop a plan that fits their lifestyle and addresses any fears or misconceptions they may have.

Consider a scenario where a physical therapist refers a patient to an exercise physiologist because the patient is not performing the prescribed exercises. A 45-minute conversation with the patient can uncover the root cause of the problem and lead to a personalized plan that aligns with the patient’s values ​​and goals.

Health professionals can start by asking patients simple questions about their physical activity habits. For example:

“How physically active are you?”

“What does being physically active mean to you?”

“What does your everyday life look like?”

These questions open the door to conversations about physical activity and may reveal opportunities for referral to exercise physiologists. By discussing a patient’s current exercise habits and any challenges they are facing, we can help them set achievable goals and create a low-barrier plan to incorporate more exercise into their routine. Tracking progress can help keep patients motivated and committed to making long-term changes.

It is important to look at each patient holistically and consider how physical activity can impact their overall health. Although you may have expertise in a specific health area, working with exercise physiologists can provide a broader perspective and improve patient care.

Exercise physiologists can help understand contraindications to exercise in certain health conditions and provide training or assistance in establishing referral pathways. This partnership can strengthen our collective efforts to improve patient outcomes.

Many articles emphasize the importance of physical activity, but often forget how to get patients to exercise more. This is where exercise physiologists excel. They can work with you to help patients overcome barriers and find ways to incorporate physical activity into their lives.

So, if you haven’t already, start a conversation with an exercise physiologist. Share what you have learned about your patient’s physical activity habits and ask for advice on how best to support them. By working together we can create a more active and healthy population.

We all know that physical activity is crucial for longevity and quality of life. Let us therefore make it a central part of our patient care. By working with exercise physiologists and focusing on both the “what” and “how” of promoting physical activity, we can help our patients live healthier, more fulfilling lives.

If you’re looking for additional resources or would like to connect with an exercise physiologist, check your hospital’s intranet page to find someone near you. Together, we can improve our patients’ lives by encouraging them to move more and live better.

*Luke Snabaitism is an Advanced Exercise Physiologist at Sunshine Coast Health and a member of Exercise & Sports Science Australia.

Photo credit: Arnee

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